G Code Youth Group

God's Word for Girl's Code

Keys symbolize power and authority in the spiritual realm. In Isaiah 22:22, the LORD gives Eliakim the authority to open and shut doors as His representative, which no man can oppose. Through G Code, Altar Ego will empower the youth to adorn the truth of God’s Word, walk in the Spirit, and disciple the next generation.

About G Code

G Code, was created to first build the youth girls in all shades and ages on the Most High God Yahweh and Christ and in their understanding of who they are in Him. Then to empower them to know their self-worth, pursue standards of excellence, and embrace their natural beauty, purpose, power and possibilities. In a time where everyone wants to be like the hottest celebrity, the vision is teach them to not be a statistic while developing lifelong sisterly bonds. They need to know they can still be smart, attractive, and about their business being a Woman of God and a Woman of Value because she is going to always be in style.

Interested in joining G Code?

Complete the form below to let us know you're interested and we'll be in touch to connect soon 💕

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